22 Eylül 2013 Pazar

Content Gorilla - Download

Content Gorilla - Download
Content is King!Content is KING indeed! It is the key to getting the search engines find and LIKE your site. All internet marketing experts worth their salt will tell you this - if they knock the idea - avoid them.The content must be valuable, preferably original - or at least, your perspective about the subject.Creating content is the main headache for almost all bloggers and webmasters. Enhance it the fact that internet search engine gods like Google continue to come using their Penguins and Panda every once in awhile and also the headache gets changed into a migraine. Hence, “Content Gorilla” will help the issue clear.

Content Gorilla it is a WordPress tool that will permit users to set-up content from Amazon, YouTube, Yahoo, RSS, Flickr and articles. It's going to allow the user to post this post in virtually any language.Moreover although use builds content campaigns on WordPress they're going to also publish content on Tumblr. It’s not content syndication. Users can establish unique campaigns to create on Tumblr.

Imagine you can build content campaigns that will publish good quality content such as : Amazon products (using your affiliate links),Videos,Articles,Viral discussion question and Photos.To sum up it can take the work from your hands and publishes unique campaigns on your blog, tumblr account, blogger and Fb fan pages.Forget content syndication. You don't need it. Now you can publish unique campaigns across social media without syndicating the same content over and over again.

There are many ways you can make use of it, either for autoblogging or content curation.But there is however a super twist with it. It doesn't just publish articles on Wordpress, you may use it to publish content on Tumblr, Fb fan pages and Blogger, which is freaking huge. This isn't content syndicatio, this is building unique campaigns to your fan pages, your bloggers account, tumblr accounts.

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